Monday, January 9, 2012

Resistance is Futile

Silliness! Yes it's something I do. Yes I do realize my age. Yes not everyone is entertained by my silliness and I am ok with that. But tell me what does it hurt? What does it hurt for me to try and make someone smile? What is it hurting for me to try to make someones day better?

I understand not everyone has or "gets" my sense of humor. Refusing to even try though? Refusal to try to have a good day? Refusing to try and open your mind outside of your mood is harmful. Why would one not want to have a decent happy joyful day, no matter what's going on in their life? If there are happy positive vibes around you why negate them and push them away?

I do know that people have bad days, and bad days are bad. I have them and my friends try to help bring me out of them. When someone has continuous bad, grumpy, get away from me type of days it worries me. When the people around them do everything they can almost think of and it has no impact, besides the opposite and it backfires into stay away from me I want nothing to do with you I am left with emptiness that I have failed as a friend.

I am at a loss with this situation. I feel I am helpless. Helpless does not bode well with me. Have your people call my people!


barb28086 said...

AWESOME!!!! I deal with this on a daily basis...You eventually realize who you can and can't make happy with your happiness, but don't let their unhappiness bring you down.

Unknown said...

At least your friends who are down have you close by to try and help them. Imagine being in their shoes with no one like you to turn. No one to try and make you smile.